The taste of Baja Salted Cashews lingers
Long after the last handful has been chewed and
Gingerly swallowed
Somewhere between Bangkok and
Riyadh, I developed quite the
Addiction to the
Crunchy, salty and dry taste
The door opens and I am handed
My class schedule for the week
Listening and Speaking, for 3 periods
Corporate Co Curricular for 2
The latter seems like something
Made up
“Who has room 8?” someone says
While walking into the teacher’s room
“Abdullah died in a car crash over
The weekend.”
I grabbed another handful of cashews
Life here exists on the razor’s edge
My students are at a constant crossroads
Being pulled towards being a family man,
Death by car accident,
Religious zealotry
And Jihad
And much like the cashews,
Their spirts will linger long after they have
Been chewed up and swallowed
And mostly forgotten