Wednesday, October 30, 2013


There was a subtle sillage of her essence 
created by her smile and friendly nature
left in the air like waterfall mist 
Not a scent, but like a scent, 
made of wow 
this light and witty banter 
would be my downfall
infusing my life 
with magoa, 
what the Portuguese call 
a heartbreaking feeling that leaves 
long-lasting traces, 
visible in gestures and 
facial expressions
moving me from whole to broken 
“She knows the fever that burns 
inside me: this desire for travel and exploration,”
thoughts of her baltering around my mind
Dancing in and out of other thoughts
Misplaced and unexpected
Captivated and capsized by 
the ghostly silhouette of a 
chance encounter 
Counting the moments until 
my counterpart appears, 
a part of me already?
Of course. 
We are two 
engaged in word pornography
Seduced by each other’s intelligence
Trying to make the world better 
from the inside out 
by laughing.

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